Policy-makers appear increasingly relaxed about currency appreciation: the pace of foreign exchange accumulation, a rough proxy for currency intervention, is far more modest outside China. 决策者似乎对本国货币升值越来越放松:作为汇率干预的粗略代表,这些国家的外汇储备累积速度远低于中国。
German exporters are expressing growing anxiety about the appreciation of the euro against the US dollar and the prospect of a currency war. 德国出口商对于欧元对美元升值、以及一场货币战可能即将爆发正越发感到不安。
Momentary currency appreciation aside, however, there is no sign of a move to the euro as a global currency. 然而,抛开暂时的货币升值不谈,丝毫没有迹象表明,人们正逐渐把欧元当作一种全球货币。
Since the appreciation of RMB leads to a decline in the price expressed in domestic currency, the exporter is unable to run the price up. 人民币升值造成的国内货币计算的价格下降后,企业无法抬高出口农产品的价格。
Some fund managers argue that renminbi-denominated share classes of traditional funds are a superior play on the appreciation of the renminbi as they offer the chance to register a currency gain as well as a return on underlying investments higher than the inflation rate. 一些基金经理认为,以人民币计价的传统基金股票类别在利用人民币升值方面具有超强的优势,它们既可以赚取汇兑收益,并且投资标的的回报率也高于通胀水平。
China has pushed back strongly against US pressure for a rapid appreciation of its currency, the political and economic dispute at the heart of fears about a global currency war. 中国一直强烈抵制美国要求让人民币快速升值的压力,中美之间的这一政治和经济纠纷,正是各方担心全球汇率战争的症结所在。
China is set to allow a gradual appreciation of the renminbi against the US dollar after warning that the exchange rate would remain basically stable in spite of a decision to abandon its currency peg. 中国准备允许人民币对美元渐进升值,此前中国警告称,人民币汇率将保持基本稳定,尽管它决定放弃人民币汇率盯住政策。
The move sparked speculation that China was moving away from using the appreciation of the renminbi as a tool to combat inflation towards using a weaker currency to boost export-led growth. 这引发了市场的猜测:即中国正从利用人民币升值作为对抗通胀工具,转向利用人民币走软来推动出口导向型的经济增长。